Hugo Chavez’s Movement Threatened by His Health

Fernando Llano/Associated Press

prayer gathering was held for President Hugo Chávez on Tuesday in central Caracas. Mr. Chávez’s cancer has recurred.

CARACAS, Venezuela — The bottlenecks at a major port were so bad this year that Christmas trees from Canada were delayed for weeks, and when they did show up they cost hundreds of dollars. A government-run ice cream factory opened with great fanfare, only to shut down a day later because of a shortage of basic ingredients. Foreign currency is so hard to come by that automakers cannot get parts and new cars are almost impossible to buy.

And all of this happened while the economy was growing — before the slowdown many predict next year.

Such frustrations are typical in Venezuela, for rich and poor alike, and yet President Hugo Chávez has managed to stay in office for nearly 14 years, winning over a significant majority of the public with his outsize personality, his free-spending of state resources and his ability to convince Venezuelans that the Socialist revolution he envisions will make their lives better.

Now that revolution is threatened by Mr. Chávez’s fight with cancer. His health has become precarious enough that before undergoing surgery this week he designated a successor for the first time, saying that Vice President Nicolás Maduro should lead in his place if he cannot continue.

But as the undisputed head of his revolutionary movement, known as Chavismo, Mr. Chávez makes virtually all major government decisions and bullies both allies and opponents to keep them in line. Top government officials speak of him as their father. During his most recent presidential campaign this fall he frequently stirred crowds with the shout: “Chávez is revolution!”

Many doubt that any successor will be as adept at fostering support amid the nation’s economic problems, widespread corruption, rampant crime and daily hassles — raising the question of what will become of Mr. Chávez’s movement without him.

“There’s just nobody within Chavismo who can remotely match Chávez’s capacity to connect to Venezuelans,” said Michael Shifter, president of Inter-American Dialogue, a research group in Washington. “What ties it together is loyalty and a personal attachment to Chávez, and that’s very weak. That’s not a very solid foundation.”

On Wednesday, with a grim face, Mr. Maduro implied that the president’s condition was indeed serious, warning the nation to prepare for “the hard, complex and difficult days” ahead. It is a bitter pill for many Chávez supporters to swallow.

“We don’t need another president, we need him,” Reina Mocoa, 50, said.

A fervent Chávez follower, Ms. Mocoa was given an apartment in a new government-erected building this year. First there was no water. Then the plumbing leaked. A design flaw causes the apartment to flood when it rains. But her ire was never directed at Mr. Chávez.

“He gives orders, but they don’t do the things as he wants them done,” Ms. Mocoa said, reflecting a common perception that Mr. Chávez’s subordinates are corrupt or inept, and that many of the country’s problems can be attributed to greedy capitalists. “It’s not his fault.”

She said she was willing to give Mr. Maduro a chance to prove himself. But not all Chávez supporters feel that way.

“I only want Chávez,” said Agustín Gutiérrez, 53, in Cumaná, an eastern city, adding that he did not trust Mr. Maduro to carry on “the revolution.”

“There cannot be Chavismo without Chávez,” he said.

Mr. Chávez’s own record is mixed. After doing little to address a deep housing shortage, he has given away tens of thousands of homes, but the rush to build meant that many were plagued by construction flaws or other problems. He has used price controls to make food affordable for the poor, but that has contributed to shortages in basic goods. He created a popular program of neighborhood clinics often staffed by Cuban doctors, but hospitals frequently lack basic equipment.

María Iguarán contributed reporting from Cumaná, Venezuela, and Andrew Rosati from Caracas.

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